Tuesday, June 4, 2013


"...the Bronx and Staten Island too....."

I'm afraid that this is going to be a recurring theme until I finally (and permanently) find "a quiet place, far from the human race, out in the country" (Paul Williams.) So if you're sick of hearing about this particular subject, please continue to support this little blog and maybe 'someday, somewhere, somehow, when I least expect it'...my dream will come true. And then I shall write you from a log cabin as I look out at my garden and watch the deer, bunnies and other creatures consume everything I've planted just for them!

As for that song? UGH...if ever a song was written that is the antithesis of how I personally feel about NYC, it's that one.

Yeah, "I'll take Manhattan"...along with the rest of the boroughs, and dump them all right into the nearest garbage can, complete with the requisite dog crap, rats, cockroaches and litter-litter-litter everywhere you look. I don't LIKE litter and and I don't LIKE people who don't clean up after their pets. It's an unnecessary blight caused by lazy morons who need to smarten up and start doing the right thing.

Living in NYC has always been like living in a damned pig sty. As if the noise isn't bad enough, we have an ever-evolving generation of slobs who think nothing of popping open a bottle cap, or unwrapping whatever it is they're eating and casting it to the wind, the sidewalk, the street, grassy areas, gardens...I'd like to take those people and just smack the shit out of them. Cell phones glued to their ear-pod heads, they don't have a clue as to what's going on around them, nor do they care. Obviously.

Do I let them know? You bet I do. I can be scary when I'm mad, even though it's mostly bluffing (but they don't know that...I call it psychological terrorism) and my dirty looks are known far and wide. I got that from my father's side. "Just one look" (Doris Troy!) and you know you're in trouble. Even my CATS know 'The Look' and immediately retreat to their respective hidey-holes.

"It's very fancy on old Delancey Street, you know, the subway charms us so, when balmy breezes blow, to and fro..." 

OH.MY.GOD. Has anyone been on a NYC subway lately? Those "balmy breezes that blow to and fro" are DISGUSTING. Ah yes, the sweet fragrance of people eating 3-course meals, garbage, rats, and body odor, that's a real charmer!

"The great big city's a wondrous toy, just made for a girl and boy, we'll turn Manhattan into an isle of joy!"

Be my guest! But you'll need a Time Machine to get you back to the 1900s if you think you're going to achieve that goal.


This is a short story about a disreputable, despicable company by the name of NORTON LIFELOCK. They deducted over $250.00  from my account W...