Wednesday, April 15, 2015


My thanks to Grumpy Cat for his contribution to my own feelings about the supremely stupid phenomenon known as texting

This latest (and intensely annoying) craze has overtaken the world, and now that I have finally, and extremely reluctantly, joined the legion of cell phone idiots, I have also become victim to those who prefer to text over calling.

Along with the ridiculous word abbreviations ~ one example, prolly for probably...seriously? Here's my favorite abbreviation: WTF?? ~ and inane 'messages' about nothing and about which I could not care less, is the wasted time of not only having to read this nonsense, but also having to answer the morons who clog up my phone, and brain, with their insipid life 'bulletins.'

These abbreviations also eliminate commas, quotes, and any thought of recognizable contractions. "He going to leave soon." Say WHAT? What happened to "is"? Too much work to insert a ' between he and [i]s?? Goodbye to proper English! Hello to uninformed morons!

"On my way to...get gas/have breakfast/grocery store..." Who CARES? I don't need or want a minute-by-minute account of anyone's life. And then there's the dreadful "Have to tell you what happened last night!" after which they proceed to TEXT every single detail of "what happened last night." Really? Can we save it for a phone call, not that a telephone conversation could reduce the boredom of having to listen to the mundane bullshit that comprises people's lives these days.

I have come  to dread the ding! and shimmying of my cell phone, signaling yet another text on the way, interrupting reading a book (remember that?) or watching a favorite movie. I stare daggers at it, then carefully pick it up, reminding myself that throwing it against a wall is not going to be felt by the "texter" and will only cost me money to have it repaired or replaced...not that I want it.

So, I have to agree with Grumpy Cat...please do text and drive. Text and walk, text and take a shower, text and eat, text-text-text-text-text away! Perhaps this may reduce, and even eliminate, the army of dimwitted blockheads who have invaded our world, dumbing it down to the point of no return.

Oh, and by the way.....TEXT YOU!

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...