Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stupid Time Change

See that clock? For the next three weeks, that is how I will be feeling every time I check the time. (What time is it?? Doesn't quite match what I'm seeing outside ~ bare trees, chilly winds, maybe even snow.) But it's still light at 7:00PM, so I guess it must be spring...good grief, this is confusing!

Does Congress have nothing better to do than mess with the cycles of not only our lives, but that of animals and nature? One week early was bad enough, but when they backed it up to three weeks, that's pushing it. Some states were smart enough to say "no thanks" and stayed with the REAL time.

Unfortunately, the state I live in embraced the law and so, once again, the next three weeks will be filled with problems sleeping and an exhausting feeling of jet lag until our bodies adjust.

I can think of a few things to say to Congress about adjusting, but I'm too exhausted from not sleeping last night...

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...