Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Pound Ridge, NY picnic ~ 1951      Visiting New Hampshire, 1971

Tomorrow will be 24 years since my father passed away, and he would have been 97 come this November 9th. He's been on my mind a lot lately, I miss him, and share these two very special memories with you...

My father had a quirky sense of humor, bordering on eccentric at times, and not understood by too many people (especially my mother and most of her family, but that's another story.)

We lived one block away from the Bronx Zoo and because I loved animals so much, he'd take me there every Sunday morning without fail. I must have been peppering him with questions about all the squirrels and chipmunks I saw, because I have this very distinct memory of him stopping and, looking down at me, simply stating, "Kid, God named all squirrels 'Jerry.'" And that took care of that!

Another memory is about Christmas. One day, I zoomed home from P.S. 32 in Belmont, all upset because I just learned that Santa Claus made his entry through a fireplace, which our Prospect Avenue apartment most certainly did not have, and immediately asked him, "Dad, we don't have a fireplace, how will Santa get in??!!"

He very calmly took a chair, turned it backwards, sat down and told me to sit on the sofa, opposite him. He then informed me of the following...

"Kid, you know that Santa Claus is magic, right?"

I eagerly nodded YES!

"Well, when there isn't a fireplace available, Santa makes himself very, very tiny, squeezes into the television antenna wire [still a new thing in those days] and pops right out of the screen!"

"But what about the bag of toys, can it fit too??"

"Of course it can! I told you, he's magic! Kid, would I ever steer you wrong?"

Once again, my problem was solved in a most unusual way. So complete was my trust in him, I never questioned anything he told me.....but please don't ask how many times he laughed hysterically when I got older and called him out on the above!!

"Sweet memories are the paradise of the mind" ~ Anonymous

Rest in peace, Dad, and see you soon.

Your Kid

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...