Thursday, March 21, 2013


...asked an old neighborhood friend of a close relative after I repeatedly said "thanks but no thanks" to a summer gathering (my all-time favorite thing to do...NOT) of other old friends somewhere in the middle of suburban New Jersey.

It's not that I was being "anti-social" but, seriously, why would I want to drive on a hot summer day all the way to somebody's back yard in another state to meet people I either don't remember or don't know, but all of whom shared the experience of having gone to Catholic school? Which I most certainly did NOT, so there goes having something in and the Neighborhood Nerds, yeah, that'd go over well.

Returning to the title question, "Is she anti-social?" Well, that depends. And as I grow older, that depends list grows exponentially. I am down to ONE STRIKE, YOU'RE OUT when it comes to stupidity, duplicity, mendacity...I never tolerated fools gladly; now I make every attempt to not tolerate them at all. 

My nerves, shredded wheat since my teen years, no longer have any elasticity left, so if you get on even one of them, you're doomed. And if 'patience is a virtue,' we're out of luck in that department, too, because patience requires slowing down and waiting and I don't want to do that anymore. Which is why I stopped going shopping with people, or to the beach, or anywhere that required quick thinking and decisions, or the common sense to just know when to shut the hell up and enjoy nature.

My lifelong battle with bi-polar disorder ("Oh, she's so moody!") has also corralled me into a space that doesn't leave much room for "socializing" in any form. Geez, I've reached the point of waiting until ten o'clock at night to go downstairs for my mail just to avoid bumping into a neighbor and forced conversation.

So, to definitively answer the question "Is she anti-social?" I'd have to say an unqualified.....


THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...