Saturday, April 6, 2013


Not long ago, someone sent me a rather pedestrian greeting card ~ blue background, thin scratchy black lines representing a "clothesline" with triangular, computer-painted banner flags flapping in the breeze and a bird sitting on top, warbling musical notes.

Now I would never disparage another artist's work, but in all honesty, I could have done better in my sleep. So, encouraged to contact Trader Joe's (exclusive distributor of the line) I was directed to a person with the company that decides what new artwork may be included in good old Trader Joe's exclusively distributed greeting cards.

What you see below is just a smidgen of samples that were submitted ~ everything from acrylic paintings to watercolor to pen & ink to an actual greeting card to a hand-painted t-shirt ~ in total, over 100 different samples of my work. Her response? "Do you have any more finished pieces of work that I can see?"

Say what?? Am I applying to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or some rinky-dink greeting card design house that apparently has zero vision when it comes to what attracts the human eye? Granted, my line of greeting cards with Paramount was in the early 80s, and computer graphics have managed to grind real  artwork into dust since then, but gimme a break ~ 100+ samples, and she wants to see more??

Here are just a few submitted to Miss Persnickety ~ you tell me if you see a greeting card in the bunch. And if you do, let old Trader Joe know. Or if you happen to be in need of unique artwork, just call on me.

Although, my facebook friend Doug Laby, who knows my cantankerous side very well, did ask: "What kind of cards are you going to make? GO TO HELL or DON'T BOTHER ME?"

Hey, anything's possible!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I would not normally use something as common and coarse as 'the finger' when there are far more refined and/or creative ways of getting your point across, but I'll make an exception this time, only because:

a) it's a cat flipping the bird, and
b) greedy Cablevision really deserves it.

Yesterday, I contacted the above Great American Ripoff company to request a service call. The TV sound drops out every other minute, and the picture freezes and breaks up into little ice cubes; I believe it's called "pixelate" ~ (another stupid annoying word added to the increasingly stupid English language.)

No hyperbole here, I waited for a real live human being to come on the line for TWENTY MINUTES, all the while hearing the same message over and over and OVER..."Do you know about our new service package? Blah blah blah blah blah..."

Listen, your OLD service package stinks on ice, why would I even want to know about your new one? What, more ways to rip off your customers? Whatever happened to hearing MUSIC while we waited (and waited and waited)?

FINALLY, I hear a human voice, but have to check: "Are you a real person?" "Yes ma'm, I am."

Problem stated. "Oh, we are aware that there is an 'outage' in your area, and we are working on it. It is an external problem, so we cannot send someone to your home." (Bear in mind that I procrastinated about calling in this problem, so this is a FIVE MONTH 'outage.')

Oh? Is this your new service package, screwing the customer, a la the equally evil telephone company BS of charging exorbitant fees for a 'home visit'?? Let me tell you something about that. Back in the day when telephone companies were hungry for customers, if you called for service, someone came the next day, FREE OF CHARGE. My my my, how times have changed though, haven't they?

THEN I told the customer rep that I needed additional cable, having moved the TV since the mandatory cable was installed. "Oh, there is a $39.95 charge for that." $39.95. Which is when I lost it and verbally flipped them the bird.

The scam here is that we were told we HAD to abandon analog and switch to pay-TV cable for "national security reasons." (Yeah, the financial security of yet another greedy corporation gouging the public for what used to be FREE.) 'Converter boxes' were a joke. National security? We were also told "The air is safe to breathe" one week post-9/11.

There is nothing left to trust in this country, not corporations, not government, NOTHING. It's all about the buck$ now.

"Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you..."

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...