Wednesday, August 14, 2013


From Wikipedia:
Luddites were 19th Century English textile artisans who protested against newly developed, labor-saving machinery from 1811 to 1817. The stocking frames, spinning frames and power looms introduced during the Industrial Revolution threatened to replace the artisans with less skilled, low wage laborers, leaving them without work.

Well, DUH. It's 200 years later, and guess what? We now have even more less skilled, low wage laborers, except they're in other countries, leaving Americans desperate to find a decent job. And leaving me to conclude that each 'revolution' further screws the people of this world.

We all know what happened to farms and farmers when the Industrial Revolution hit. What on earth is going to be the ultimate result of this creepy technological take-over?? I sometimes wonder if the big switcheroo from analog to cable for this country (under the guise of 'national security') was just another way of observing us right in our homes. It's entirely possible if you think about it. I think even George Orwell would be shocked by how invasive the world has become.

Seriously, I don't even own a cell phone yet, and hope I never have to. I hate the intrusive little bastards. IF the telephone had to be invented, the graceful one pictured would be what I'd use (although I really do wish it stopped at smoke signals.) The 'technological revolution' has, in my Luddite opinion, not only radically changed but also totally ruined life and 'society' as we once knew it.

My reaction to any and all new stupid "app" gadgets is similar to Downton Abbey's Dowager Duchess (Maggie Smith) who *sniffs* her disdain, with understandable exasperation, for newfangled phonographs and telephones, and longs for simpler, more civilized times.

What on earth is going to be the ultimate result of this truly bizarre technological invasion??

Nah, I'll take the good old days any day of the week. Call me whatever you wish, but I prefer to have all of my senses at full attention whenever I venture outside, or drive or shop or do ANYTHING that requires a focused brain.

Others may stuff their ears with pods or (good grief) have computer chips implanted in their brains, but this particular 'Lud' will continue to resist, kicking and screaming all the way.

As for 'texting'...try lugging this around instead.

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...