Monday, February 3, 2014


Having just watched Martin Scorsese's 'The Age of Innocence,' what better title for this, my latest report from outer space?

Once was a time when people used to gather at kitchen tables or in living rooms, and converse. Be it world or local news, cousin Dingbat's engagement, or somebody's day at work, conversing was the act of exchanging information with other human beings via that old-fashioned thing called talking.

These days, everywhere I go, someone has his or her head glued to a damned computer of one kind or another. Visit someone at home? Guaranteed, somebody in the house is zoned out, staring at a computer screen, completely oblivious to the fact that they may have 'company.' Take a walk outside? Tiny little computers in the form of stupid and annoying cell phones, ad infinitum-nauseum. Go shopping? Same scenario. Buses, subways, cars, homes, it truly is like an invasion of brain-dead zombies, unaware of anything that might be going on outside their demented little self-absorbed worlds.

Makes me long for the good old days when television was accused of the same. And although TV was the beginning of the end for civilized behavior, at the very least, one usually watched TV with others.  Now today's idiots get their news, weather, love and "friendship" via computer. They claim to "hate" television, but can somebody tell me what exactly is staring at a monitor all day (and night) long?

"Come look at this with me!" says zombie at computer. NO, how about you TELL me about it over a cup of tea or something to eat?

These sorry-ass weirdos eat-sleep-shit and breathe with their computers by their side. Early morning to late at deranged is that??

I will be one happy soul when I finally get the hell OUT of this world gone completely insane. And if there is an afterlife, hell will have internet and cell phone access.

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...