To say that this is the single most depressing campaign EVER (in my life anyway) would be the understatement of the year. If, God and every spirit in the sky forbid, the unthinkable-unspeakable nightmare of a Romney/Ryan administration comes to pass, say hello to your new flag, stupid, racist Americans everywhere, because those "stripes" will be PRISON BARS and your beloved "stars" nothing but DOLLAR SIGNS. And that drop of blood? People died for what we so casually assume are our "rights" these days...weekends, holidays, paid sick leave, and that perfectly lovely early-American tradition, child labor. Um, anyone notice the Republican-backed union-busting currently going on, designed to strip us of those rights?
"Oh, there you go, playing the race card again..." Oh, really? When it feels like racism, stinks like racism, and sounds like racism, guess what?? It IS racism. So have the courage of your demented pre-Civil War convictions and just ADMIT it instead of hiding behind those ridiculous claims of "he's a socialist/non-American/secret Muslim/hangs-out-with-terrorists" ad infinitum ad NAUSEUM.
I am no political scientist (my weak stomach couldn't take it) nor am I qualified in any other way but as an average American citizen to weigh in on this election. But if anyone out there REALLY believes that the two plastic, utterly horrible, painfully fake people currently running against our incumbent President would make a "better America," I have news for you, along with some prime waterfront property in the Everglades to sell...
President Obama is NOT perfect (who is, unless your name is Jesus Christ?) but the alternative is chilling. And given the astronomical MESS he inherited from America's Village Idiot and his VP, Satan Incarnate, it would take Jesus Christ Himself to repair the damage done by those two Masters of War in the four short years since President O. took office. So yes, BY ALL MEANS, get your White House all-white again, and return to the days of war profiteering via death, unchecked greed, and the quick erosion of every "right" you think you have.
Has everyone forgotten that the Big Bank/Wall Street Bailout emanated from Bush's administration, NOT Obama's?? If our economic recovery has been slow, well, how does EIGHT YEARS sound to you vs. FOUR? Think you could have done better, with the 'Grand Obstructionist Party' opposing your every move every damned step of the way??
Before you walk in lockstep with America's version of Nazi Germany politicians, I would think long and hard about choosing which side you're really on. Because Romney & Ryan are NOT on your side, not unless you're a billionaire, and as fake and plastic as they are. And really REALLY believe that, one day, you too can be as wealthy as they are.