<----- is what she looked like. A steaming ripe red tomato about to burst open and splatter everything with her rage. The LAST person she wanted to see in that laundry room was yours truly. She gave me a frosty hello and then cold silence.
I finally played Devil's Advocate and said "Joan, are you okay? It's not like you to be so quiet..." and diverted her anger to herself (as usual) and then she talked-talked-talked-talked-talked about anything and everything BUT the election.
No surprise here. In 2008, the co-op in which I live invited everyone to view what was such a historical inauguration on a large flat-screen TV in a general assembly room. Joan made it a point to sit in the lobby until the entire inauguration was over so EVERYONE who passed through would know her angry disapproval. I just happened to run down to retrieve my mail wearing my YES WE CAN/Obama '08 t-shirt and it's been the North Pole ever since...well, till today anyway.
I am fascinated by the anger displayed by those who said "Fine, he'll be a one-term President and then we can get back to normal." I guess this new normal just isn't to their liking, huh? Now we have "citizens" in at least 15 different states wanting to secede ... how exactly is that done? Do they build their own highways, provide their own power, sewage, etc. etc. etc. or all move to one state (Texas would be nice.....) and declare themselves the United State of Miserable Old White People Who Hate Everyone That Doesn't Look Exactly Like Them?
Curious to see how Civil War II evolves. Wonder if Ken Burns will cover it for that nasty, Communist-loving broadcast station PBS, home of Big Bird? Oh, the irony of it all!
In the meantime (in between-time) ain't we got fun? We have our wonderful President Obama for another 4 years, the bad guys lost, and all these insane reactions from stupid white people are so entertaining.
Looks like Paul Ryan's incredibly nasty comment ~ "hope he's taking his blood pressure medication" ~ referring to a 71-year-old man physically taken down at one of his speeches for simply stating his views might now be applicable to not only Small Paul, but every single angry Republican in America.
Ah yes, revenge is not only a 'dish best served cold' but, thanks to Jackie Gleason, HOW SWEET IT IS too!