Friday, August 3, 2012


Or so sayeth a certain blockhead who used to be part of my life and who simply cannot comprehend the word friend unless it's attached to money and power. This person could give Narcissus himself a few lessons on unchecked self-absorption.

Oh, there was a horrible earthquake in Turkey? "Who cares, I hate those people anyway." The Japanese earthquake? "I VISITED THE PEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL AND WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID, THOSE _____s!!!" The fact that we dropped not one, but two A-bombs on that country is dismissed as "typical liberal thinking."

The list is literally endless, and stunningly ignorant. And since I no longer have a desire to be Sisyphus, whose miserable fate was to roll a boulder (with hands and feet) up to the top of a hill, but always ~ just before he could roll it over on to the other side ~ the damned thing slid back down to the bottom of the hill. FOR ALL ETERNITY. Not for me, no thanks. Six decades of this shallow stupidity was more than enough.

The friends I have made on Facebook (in spite of Blockhead's "hero," the pill-popping phony with a name that rhymes with flush) are some of the most wonderful, intelligent, sincere and caring people I have ever met in this lifetime. And they certainly can be called friends, in every sense of the word. Free thinkers, creative, fair-minded, supportive, funny, I have come to love them all with no reservation.

Of course, there is the occasional malcontent who goes psycho on you for daring to disagree with them, but that's not a problem. BLOCK. How nice it would be if we could block people much the same way in real life!

So, my dear Facebook friends (you know who you are!) I thank you for your compassion, intelligence and wicked sense of humor, your creativity and your open minds and hearts. But most of all, your friendship.


Thursday, August 2, 2012


Seriously, if you call yourself a "Christian" DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN?? Or do you think that regular attendance of religious services will get you an A+ on your final report card, minus all that other stuff? 

You know, the annoying stuff like loving your neighbor, not casting stones (unless you are as pure as the driven snow...are you? I'm sure not!) doing unto others as you'd have them do unto you, and, oh yeah, judge not...possibly the single most important one these ridiculous days when everybody is oh-so-perfect and feeling more than qualified to pass judgment. 

See, in my lifetime, I've heard an awful lot of hatred spewing out of the mouths of self-proclaimed "Christians" which got me to Jesus officially MIA from these people's lives or are they just big fat hypocrites who, not unlike the 9/11 terrorists, hijacked a religion but don't have a clue as to how to practice its most basic tenets? Has JC been kidnapped, as Christianity has been hijacked by a bunch of judgmental, intolerant, and as UN-Christ-like people as you can find?

And every American era has its tests ~ back in the 60s, it was desegregation and BOY, how many Christians reared their ugly bigoted heads! Yeah, they loved their neighbors, all right ~ right up to bombing a church and murdering four innocent little girls in Birmingham, Alabama for the "sin" of being black. Way to go, Christians, that'll get you into heaven fer sure!

Now we have those same people, different generation, clutching their holy books and screaming about gay marriage, how it isn't "Christian" and/or how the bible simply detests the thought of homosexuality! "Marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN, period!" Oh really? Let's take that very same holy book and look at some other interpretations, shall we?

First Chronicles
1 These are David's sons who were born in Hebron ...[names]... these were all of David's sons, except for those born to his slave women

"...except for those born to his SLAVE WOMEN"?? Say what??

2 Samuel 16:21
And Ahithophel said unto Absalom, Go in unto thy father's concubines, which he hath left to keep the house; and all Israel shall hear that thou art abhorred of thy father: then shall the hands of all that are with thee be strong.

"...thy father's CONCUBINES"?? Am I getting this right?

And, last but certainly not least...

1 Kings 11:3
And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.
WHOA!! Is this the holy book's version of "traditional marriage"  ~ 700 wives and 300 concubines?? So where did  "Marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN only"come from?

Homosexuality is not a 'choice.' It is genetic and therefore should be treated with compassion and understanding, not hatred and rejection. Furthermore, what kind of deplorably filthy minds do its critics have that they cannot understand how two people can simply love each other, without speculating about what goes on in the privacy of their bedrooms? Would YOU want a peeping pervert at YOUR bedroom window, reporting to the world what they THINK they see? 

Whoops, there goes that annoying "do unto others" thing again...

As for the popular WWJD, it is my personal opinion that, these days, He'd give Himself a slamming face palm and wonder if His horrific death was worth it.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
~ Mahatma Gandhi 

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...