...responded one of my oldest neighborhood friends when I asked why he didn't call more often. Understood. And well appreciated.
But, if he (or you) were inside my head and/or in possession of just some of the memories it carries, I can assure you, none of you would want to "be there" either.
"But Paula, you're such a creative person!" Really? Really? If I had a choice of being "creative" or a complete, talent-less dolt, just take a guess which choice I'd make?
Because, in most cases, with 'talent' comes some form of suffering ~ you think too much, feel too much and too deeply, forever questioning what cannot be answered.
And rarely have the good fortune of making enough money to escape the torment. So you choose to "not be there" more often than not because you just can't be there...the pain can be crushing, which often makes casual conversation impossible.
I once attempted to give an enormously talented and creative person a 'pep talk' to rally him out of his despair. I never forgot his heated answer: "TELL IT TO VAN GOGH!!"
Ah, but Vincent Van Gogh took his own life at an early age...had he stuck around, who knows what could have been? Or is that yet another unanswerable question?
I can only hope that poor Vincent found the peace he wanted...and that he has no way of knowing the obscene amounts of money that are paid for his brilliant work today.
In this world, more often than not, 'creative people' are worth more dead than alive.
A cruel irony if ever there was one...
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