Lyrics borrowed from an old hit song by Joe Jones.
I'm sure we all know at least one person (if not several thousand) whose mouth never stops. Doesn't matter what the subject is, they just go on and on and ON, never stopping to allow you a word in edgewise, and finally frustrating you to the point that you just give up, insert invisible ear plugs and give them the stage.
I don't know why the chatterboxes of the world do this. Could be attention deficit disorder. Or, if they're manic-depressive, maybe they're stuck on manic-manic. Could also be a personality disorder, those voices in their heads telling them to keep on talking because, in the words of Satchel Paige, 'something may be gaining on them.' Or maybe they're just plain rude. Who knows? All I know is that it is excruciating to be in their company, or trapped in a telephone conversation with one of them. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
I try to pay enough attention to offer the occasional grunt of acknowledgment so they think I'm actually listening to whatever nonsense is spewing from their pie holes. But after a while, I just want to scream "PLEASE! JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!!"
I especially love when I do attempt to change the subject, or inform them of something new in my own life. They just talk right over-under-and through you.
Maybe I'm just hypersensitive about this because I come from one of those chatterbox families who constantly talked over-under-and through you. For me, every conversation became a battle as to who could say the most before being squashed like a bug.
"Did you hear the news about....?"
"Hey, pass the antipasto, will you?!"
"Ehh, I hit the number last week, five big ones!"
"Aunt Rosie's blood pressure is sky-high!"
Yeah, well I can understand Aunt Rosie's escalating blood pressure...especially if she attended these family gatherings one too many times and tried to speak, uninterrupted.
"You talk about people that you've never seen, you talk about people, you can make me scream..."
Okay, here goes...
Now, can you please SHUT UP??