Lately, it seems like the pharmaceutical industry is going absolutely bonkers with new products (which generate new, and quite unusual lawsuits) and either too-much-information and/or ridiculous commercials featuring an animated bouncing bladder (boing!) complete with skinny arms and legs to accompany its poor sufferer, as it's pushing the latest drug for leaky bladders.
Does anyone really believe that whiter-than-white teeth are in the least bit convincing? "Wow, your teeth are just gleaming! Did you include them in your last laundry load of bleached whites?"
But if you happen to have a filling or some other imperfection in your old teeth, guess what? When your post-yellow teeth resemble a new package of peppermint Chiclets, those old problems kind of resemble the above photograph...snow white with your very own unique pattern of discolored polka dots mixed in.
As for transvaginal mesh lawsuits, please! I don't even want to know what that's about. But, along with Big Pharma's relentless commercials, every greedy law firm in America is bound and determined to inform every last one of us exactly what it is.
Aside from yellow/white teeth, I am not, in any way, shape or form, making light of the very real problems of transvaginal mesh deterioration (is that what it's about??) and faulty bladder issues. However, these snippy-snappy, blunt, in-your-face days really cause me to long for a time when such things were only discussed in the privacy of a physician's office, and not obnoxiously advertised on television every single commercial break.
Archie Bunker had a point as he cried out "AW, JEEZ!" whenever a delicate subject matter was embarrassingly brought up in mixed company.
I just feel sorry for parents who watch TV with their kids these stupid TMI days. "Mommy, can I have a bouncing bladder for Christmas? And can my Barbie Doll be fitted with deteriorating transvaginal mesh so Ken can be a lawyer and we can play make-believe court lawsuits??"
No! But go chew some Chiclets and wait for your teeth to turn make-believe white.
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