Monday, March 10, 2014


Miss Quincy, the Quintessential Cat
Just what is it with cats and beds? How do they find the exact center of the bed, regardless of where you're sleeping, and nestle in, forcing you to navigate every square inch of your own bed in order to be able to fall back to sleep (if you can sleep at all)?

I've slept in so many different positions in order to accommodate Miss Quincy: head on pillow, legs diametrically sticking out of one side or the other; one leg over Quincy, so as not to disturb Her Royal Highness; feet squished into one tiny corner, only to wake up and find she's now confiscated even that limited foot space. One has to be a contortionist to sleep with these little screwballs.

I once had two cats, Francie and Neeley, who became earmuffs on either side of my pillow...and on a hot, sticky, summer night, so it wasn't for the warmth of my head. And my sweet little Joey, who hooked his leg over one of my ankles, just to make sure his rescue from the harsh streets wasn't a dream from which he'd awaken. And Jerry, another desperate rescue, who slept so close to me, we seemed to be purring in rhythm.

I will never understand why some people "hate" cats. To quote Leonardo daVinci, "Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece."

I've known many cats in my time, and I've loved every single one of them unconditionally. And they may not show it, as dogs do, but they return that love ten-fold.

You just have to understand that they're psychological animals, and communicate on a whole different level than other animals. Or as I once saw on a greeting card...

"Cats ~ merely animals, or a higher life form?"

Couldn't have phrased it better myself.

Okay, time to wrestle some bed space from Quincy.....! Good night and GOOD LUCK.

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