Monday, June 24, 2013


I recently bought store-brand peroxide at my local pharmacy. The bottle has not only been downsized to half its former size, but the price has been upsized. What used to cost 99 cents is now $2.79. And, cynical me, I immediately knew why.

It seems regular old hydrogen peroxide has been discovered as the new wiz kid for household cleaning ~ household tips galore, and now Lysol is utilizing it in its products, so of course, the price shoots up astronomically. That is price gouging, pure and simple. And greed. And, pardon my salty tongue, bullshit too.

Great for the stockholders, but yet another nail in the coffin of 'regular' Americans, most of whom are already struggling to get by. Way to go, capitali$m! Screw the people, just grab whatever you can to fatten your already-fat coffers. I guess we weren't far off when we called you "capitalist pigs" back in the Sixties, were we?

When I saw 'Wall Street' and heard Michael Douglas give his "greed is good" speech, I literally hated his guts (that's how good an actor he is) until he redeemed himself with 'Falling Down.' (Now who can't identify with that movie, especially these disgustingly avaricious days?)

And greed is part and parcel of the nefarious "new" America, the seeds for it planted by Ronald Reagan who conned-forced us into thinking that his "trickle-down" theory would work, that giving corporations free reign would allow their employees to share in the profits. Really? All it did was make corporations even more greedy than they were before, giving them permission to run amok, rewarding their own with billion-dollar CEO deals, and who cares about the employees?

I have no clue as to why so many Americans 'revere' Ronald Reagan; he was a horrible president who, along with Miss Wide-Eyes Nancy, ushered in the selfish 'Me Decade' and virtually destroyed the middle class. But that's how stupid Americans can be ~ they're so easily charmed by snakes, they can't see the forest for the trees. And please don't give me that bullshit about the Berlin Wall...the people  would have torn it down, whether he said something or not. Reagan should have stuck with his B-grade movies, and never been elected to anything more than Mayor of Dogpatch, USA.

The only "ism" that seems to be working almost flawlessly in today's world is (OMG, she's going to say the S-word) socialism. America has lost its way and can no longer be viewed as the "Land of Opportunity"...unless, of course, you're a corporation.

As for corporations upsizing their prices? UP YOURS, WITH CAT CLAWS.

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...