Thursday, June 27, 2013


Several years ago, I began to notice something happening that, at first, I attributed to mere coincidence. Then, after it happened far too many times to ignore, I researched the subject and found that an amazing phenomenon was taking place around the world.

Many many people in countries all over the globe began to report seeing 11:11 (or some variation thereof, ie, 1:11, 2:22, 4:11, etc.) when they happened to glance at a clock. They, too, refused to accept "coincidence" for this mysterious but intriguing anomaly.

My research, of course, brought up a host of spiritual reasons for it, including the fact that only 'certain' people were allowed to see it ~ why I do not know. But the very fact that I was chosen by the universe as one of its favored children renewed my hope and faith that, at long last, I had finally found the right path, after searching for it my entire life.

Some information suggested that seeing 11:11 meant angels were touching your shoulder to say that a blessing was coming your way, and that a prayer and wish for something be made every time one saw the mysterious numbers. And so I did, thanking the invisible angels with love each time.

For the past month, I've been struggling with a life leave the city in which I was born and raised (but always loathed) and begin life anew in another place, with a brand-new family. Not an easy choice to make in one's older years, but I have grown extremely weary of both hectic city life and the increasing loneliness of living alone.

Frank Sinatra once recorded an album of songs written by Rod McKuen. One of the songs, 'Some Traveling Music' included the following reflection...

"How can you say something new about being alone? Tell somebody you're a loner? Right away they think you're lonely. It's not the same thing, you know. It's not wanting to put all your marbles in one pocket. And it's caring enough not to care too much. Mostly, I guess, it's letting yourself come first for a while..."

Well, I've done that ~ let myself come first ~ for a very long while now, and I think it's time to move on.

As I was agonizing over making the final decision this morning, I walked into my bedroom, my mind preoccupied with a thousand thoughts. I just happened to glance at the clock and froze. 11:11.  

The angels have given me their blessing, and I look forward to sharing a real home, not an egg crate apartment, with a real family of friends who love and care about each other and have accepted me as not only their friend and roommate, but house mother as well!

One final picture. (I'm heading west.)

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...