Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Having just returned from my local pharmacy in a state of semi-shock thanks to your drug "tier $ystem," I took a good look at your current logo ~ the little medical cross, a tiny person safely ensconced in its loving care, and the famous shield bearing that oddest of medical symbols, a coiled snake ~ only one thing missing now: a bloody fucking sword to accurately represent the egregious financial wounds you are inflicting on the very people about whom you profess to "care."

Just what the hell is a "tier system" anyway?? Another one of our Congressional representatives' middle-of-the-night perks to the almighty, filthy rich, disgusting lobbyist-dominated healthcare insurance/pharmaceutical companies that further corrupt the 'free enterprise' system? Capitalism at its UGLIEST.

Last year, the generic drug I could not afford today, required a $5.00 co-payment. Fair enough. This year, it jumped first to $38+, and now, refill #2  ~ surprise surprise! ~ it's over $40+. Just HOW is this possible??

I've been told by some of your telephone reps that the cost is decided by your "board" (would that be the same board who answers to your stockholders, by any chance?) And that your board kicked this particular drug from Tier One to Tier Three because, gasp!, you were considering not even covering it because...well, that's for you to answer because I don't have a clue.

I've been told it may be because it's a 'controlled substance.' Right. I'm a senior citizen and I'm really going to be hanging out on street corners at night so I can make money selling your stupid drug instead of taking it for the severe anxiety and sleep issues I've suffered my entire life. If anything, you're the new (and worst) of the 'drug dealers' since you do it legally and for obscene profit. Never mind about all those side effects that can even cause death! Who cares, as long as those dead presidents are flying in, right?

There's something very wrong with a country that continues to believe it is the "greatest nation on earth" when, simultaneously, companies like yours who prey on people's health and suffering, are filthy rich and more accountable to your shareholders than you are to those who depend on you for life itself.

Hey, here's another logo idea! A cute little tourniquet amongst the cross, person, shield and sword, to represent what your customers require to stay alive these greedy, blood-sucking, throw-your-mother-under-the-bus days of capitalism gone completely and totally amok.

Here's hoping I drop dead soon so I won't cause you any problems at all!

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...