Run as fast and as far as you can, run like Forrest Gump, just keep putting as much distance as possible between yourself and these craziest of all people to inhabit the earth. Move to another continent if you can, that's how serious it is for your peace of mind and general well-being to avoid those afflicted with the brain-and-soul-eating disorder known as 'Narcissism.'
I am not a psychologist nor do I possess any degrees for this particular personality disorder. But I DID grow up with a card-carrying Narcissist, and personally experienced/witnessed the unbelievable devastation they can wreak on a person's life. So that, and decades of dealing with it, should make me 'expert' enough to weigh in on the matter.
The scariest thing about these strange, afflicted people is how "normal" they appear...on the surface. They can charm the fangs out of a snake, be successful, sociable, funny, great friends, great hosts/hostesses, etc. ~ until you accidentally knock against one of the cards holding up their flimsy inner house. Then grab something to protect your skull, DUCK and RUN because they will come after you with a vengeance worthy of The Hound of the Baskervilles.
If there is one thing they cannot deal with, it's their house of cards being threatened because if those cards all come tumbling down, the residents would be exposed to the world...to them, a fate worse than death itself.
Among other things, Narcissists are compulsive liars; they have to be, in order to cover their twisted tales and trails. And they live to manipulate others. Life, to them, is just one big chess board and you are nothing but a pawn, if that. Once they are finished with you (or whatever service you provide) you are cast off like a used Kleenex, never to hear from them again. Until, of course, they require your help, assistance, expertise...that's when the lies really pick up speed and technicolor.
If you are a a decent person with a good heart, but naive as the day you were born, a Narcissist can fool you not once, not twice, but for a lifetime. Unless you finally wake up, see the pattern, confront the painful truth, and lose the naivete (and the Narcissist) STAT. Forget the sentimental bullshit of 'family ties' and/or old friends, dump the rose-colored glasses and R-U-N.
Most important of all, as baseball great Satchel Paige observed:
"Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you."
And if that "something" is a Narcissist, you can kiss your life (and ass) goodbye.