It just recently came to my attention that someone who used to be a cyber-'friend' has been following my public posts on facebook. (Every so often, I change my settings from custom to public, just to break chops ~ now you see me, now you don't!)
So there is no doubt in my mind that she's found this blog, too. It's been years since we've spoken, but apparently Miss Gossip Queen still has a hankering for my words; most likely, to repeat them to others, always her forte.
Writing a blog is an interesting experience. I have readers in America, Canada, England, Ireland, Germany, Australia, China (!) and even a couple of hits from Indonesia, the Ukraine and Russia.
Aside from the people I personally e-mail each new blog, I have no way of knowing which of the now 3,100+ reads are by people I know ~ my former stupid fake family, old friends, old enemies ~ or complete strangers, which can give one a creepy feeling of being stalked. But when you go public, that comes with the territory. But oh, what a delicious way of releasing one's thoughts!
I don't allow 'comments' because, quite frankly, I don't give a damn (thank you, Rhett Butler) what anyone thinks ~ this is MY blog, create your own if you have anything you want to say.
And for Miss Gossip Queen Stalker, PLEASE watch your grammar and spelling because it can be atrocious. Hint: be sure to look up the correct way to use written and wrote. Among a million other things. And don't be delusional about others' comments in the past that our writing is 'similar' because it most certainly is not. Unless I'm writing from Dogpatch, USA, Green Acres, or the set of Hee Haw.
So, all my stalker cats, I bid you adieu for today and thank you for reading my words, even if you hate my guts. That's okay...I probably hated yours first!
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