Tuesday, August 14, 2012


After eight horrible years of America's Village Idiot and his VP, Satan Incarnate, destroying this country, we now have our very own version of The Munsters running for the highest office in the land??

I really don't think these clown-monsters have a chance of winning, unless snowballs remain intact in hell...which is where the majority of us will be if ~ every-spirit-in-the-sky forbid ~ they do manage to steal the election  (sound familiar?)

And if they do win?  Please...kill me now.

However, given this country's increasingly stoopid general population and their blind devotion to lying talk show hosts who tell them everything they want to hear (as The Liars laugh all the way to their obscenely bulging bank accounts,) their devotion to Fox "News" (recently banned in Canada for misrepresenting itself as a news station instead of what it really is, an FCC-classified entertainment channel which gives them free rein to lie-spin-and-lie again,) their fascination with vapid TV shows (take your pick) and that endearing and uniquely American trait known as racism (covert AND overt) it remains a distinct and terrifying possibility.

Romney's refusal to release anything more than TWO tax returns ("We've given you people enough..." ~ Mrs. Romney-Stepford-Wife) his offshore bank accounts, the Romney Shuffle on just about any issue past and present, his cold and callous treatment of the "family" dog, ad infinitum ad nauseum...and this head case thinks he's qualified to run for President of the United States? Try DOGPATCH USA, Mittens, because that's where you belong. And we all know about animal abusers morphing into mass murderers, don't we?

As for his choice of running mate, has Mittsy forgotten the disaster of Sarah Palin in his quest to be loved by the extreme right wing-nuts of America? And we all know how well that worked out. The United States has a choice...either fall down that goddamned rabbit hole AGAIN, or wake the hell up and realize that you're being taken. Unless you're a wannabe Donald Trump (that other cafone* genius) and naively believe that we're all playing on a level field.

Take a look at this brief YouTube video of Paul Ryan and how much he "cares" about you and me...


I would love to be put into an induced coma until mid-November and then, if the unthinkable becomes fact, don't bother reviving me, just ship me off to Canada or England or even Gate of Heaven Cemetery because, quite frankly, I would rather be dead than forced to live in a Romney-Ryan America.

* obnoxious loud-mouth


This is a short story about a disreputable, despicable company by the name of NORTON LIFELOCK. They deducted over $250.00  from my account W...