Sunday, January 22, 2012

Where am I? What century is this?? What planet am I on...???

  • Greetings From Planet Paula

    Today would be the *perfect* day to begin this little page in earnest: I am in one of the pissiest moods of my life, cannot stand the human race (well, most of it...) have no patience for anything but animals and plants, and would behave like Randall's honey badger* if I dared go outside. So one more trip to the infernal laundry room and it's back to the peace and quiet of my pink and polka dot Planet Paula. And wouldn't you like to know where that is...?? Well, tough shit with that one, because ain't NOBODY allowed here but me and little creatures with four feet and whiskers.

    In the zeitgeist, we are in the middle of yet another disgusting political campaign for the highest office in the land and are, once again, presented with the motliest crew of clowns this space cadet has ever seen. Of course, we have to get that 'black guy' out of their all-white-all-the-time White House, so it promises to be a festival of truly embarrassing events lasting all the way through NOVEMBER. I am so happy I have my own planet so I don't have to puke through it with the rest of you. Stock up on Pepto-Bismol, you're gonna need it.

    Manic mode today, could probably write the equivalent of 'War & Peace' but that nasty laundry hangs over my head like a GD thunder cloud and then I have to COOK. How annoying! Domesticated little hausfrau I am not

    I really do hate all these exercises in futility, so if President Obama would like to create jobs, there's one right here: Housekeeper. I just need a little bail-out money to pay him/her a *fair* wage. Wow, what a concept ~ an employer with a conscience. Hope springs eternal.

    Tutti tutti grazie e amore!

    (the FABULOUS Randall's Honey Badger vid clip)

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...