Monday, December 16, 2013


Whatever happened to MADE IN THE USA? Every GD thing I pick up these days is either "Made in (still-Communist) China" or some other godforsaken place where people are paid slave wages for their labor, and we are forced to buy the cheapest junk big corporations can sell to fatten their already-despicable profits.

Kind of reminds one of the 'MURRKN Old South, doesn't it? Slave labor, fat cat corporation-'people' sitting on their virtual verandas sipping their green-for-money Mint Juleps, having a big old laugh over how they sabotaged their own country's economy by selling out the very people who keep them in business, and got obscenely wealthy doing it.

What the HELL is going on in what used to be perceived as "the greatest country in the world"...??

Case in point: SEARS. Incompetent, disrespectful to their customers, AND selling products stained with American blood (via Vietnam) where 58,000+ kids had to die to satisfy the insanity of America's Masters of War and, in the end, for no good reason at all. As for Sears, if the order is incorrect? Tough luck, "it's a third-party vendor, so we, Sears, take no responsibility for it."

Hey, corporate whores, why don't you advertise WHERE your crappy merchandise is made so people can make informed decisions?? And if you insist on using "third-party vendors," YOU take responsibility for THEIR mistakes; don't tell your CUSTOMERS to get involved. Ever hear of "the customer always comes first"...?? Or is that part of the rapidly-disappearing America of old too?

This is NOT the America in which I grew up. Post-war America (just to be clear, that's World War II ~ there have been so many undeclared wars since 1945, it's hard to keep track) when unions and corporations-with-a-conscience allowed middle-class families to live a frugal but decent life. And we all know which way unions are headed these miserable 'MURRKN hell in a bucket, as the harlots of big business tell us all "If you don't like it, fuck it, because we just DON'T CARE." So much for corporate conscience.

I am beginning to believe that there is a method behind this Ronald Monster Reagan-inspired madness. Low wages (if you can find a job at all,) prohibitively expensive food (providing Monsanto hasn't usurped every natural seed in the world and transformed it into Frankenstein-food) and that lovely new 'MURRKN word, outsourcing ~ ie, sending every damned thing that used to be MADE IN  AMERICA, with PRIDE, to other countries while leaving us to die on the vine ~ well now, just what message is that sending to Americans?

What a sad and tragic ending for what used to be "the greatest country in the world." Yeah, right...these days, you have to live in China (or Vietnam) to believe that one. We have become an international joke and you know what? We DESERVE to be.

Karl Marx was right on when he said, "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains."

But, UH-OH, that was considered communism, a very very bad thing (for big business, maybe.) But, excuse me, isn't China, our main corporate buddy these days, also a communist country? So, are we for communism or against it? I guess it all depends on the M-O-N-E-Y, doesn't it...?

This country, the (former) land of opportunity ~ this "United States of America" ~ is beginning to feel like a gigantic Ponzi scheme. And it is also beginning to unravel right before our eyes. The have-nots are accustomed to doing without.

It's the haves who are going to ultimately pay the price. And it's not going to be very pleasant.

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...