Monday, July 29, 2013


We all know the song made famous by Kim Carnes, "Bette Davis Eyes." An appropriate tribute to a woman who more than earned her place in movie history, taking on movie moguls who thought she was 'not pretty enough' to be a real star. She showed them, didn't she? 'Pretty' pales in comparison to sheer talent.

And those eyes! Those magnificent, intelligent and expressive 'Bette Davis eyes' that took in everything...both in movies and real life.

Sadly, those same eyes suffered the fate that we all do, disgusting gravity along with the stupid excesses of our youth. Smoking, drinking, drugs, too much time spent in the sun...they all take their toll and, suddenly, you look in a mirror and you're staring at Miss Davis again, but this time as Baby Jane Hudson. AAACCCKKKK, how the hell did this happen??

Well, if Bette Davis could deal with it as well as she did in her old age ~ "Old age ain't no place for sissies" ~ so can the rest of us.

Oh, but how I LOATHE the crepe paper eyes...try putting on makeup. You start out looking like Baby Jane and, after a few hours, wind up resembling Alice Cooper as said makeup slowly makes its way into the nasty little cracks, crow's feet (who invited them?) and rivulets that now surround your peepers.

Because I am myopic (near-sighted) I was able to fool myself for a long time by not standing too close to the mirror. Kind of blurs things out, like putting Vaseline on a camera lens. Now I just thank every spirit in the sky that I wear both regular and sunglasses, because the more camouflage, the better! Maybe those 1950s hats with dark veils will make a comeback! That would be swell...

In the meantime (in between time...) we trudge on, crepe paper eyes and all, making the best of it as naturally as we can. No tacky "work" for this kid. No botox shots-fake-frozen-face, no outrageous plastic surgery (although I would consider tightening up my eyes...) no cellulite fish-lips, and certainly no multiple face-lifts that make your skin look like it's ready to tear open at the slightest touch. YUCK.

According to Popeye, "I YAM WHAT I YAM" and that is how I shall remain.....unless I can afford a (wink) eye job!

With much love to Bette Davis, then AND now!

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...