Thursday, May 30, 2013


Last night, as I was preparing for the beginning of Round One of "Hot town, summer in the city" circa 2013,  I was simultaneously on the phone, moving stuff around, and stupidly decided to also close the kitchen window to assist the air conditioner in doing its job.

Well, something snapped and that 44" wide, heavy-duty metal window came SLAMMING down on the middle finger of my left hand (there's a message in there somewhere...) and STAYED there for a full 10 or 20 seconds before I was able to lift it up with ONE hand. Top of fingernail down, absolutely SQUASHED.

There are no words for the pain, throbbing and bleeding that followed the latest episode of The Clumsiest Person In America. Cold water, ice, prayers...nothing helped. I ran to the bathroom and discovered just TWO generic aspirin left, leaving me at the mercy of a very long and sleepless night.

My apologies for utilizing an old illustration today, something I made for a friend years ago who stubbed his toe very badly. It may not be my middle finger, but it's a perfect example of what it looks and feels like today. And my other fingers are also very angry, so it's a good fit.

This is a a quickie, it's getting hot, I'm exhausted, and MY FINGER HURTS!!!

That'll teach me stop flipping the bird. Besides, Italian "arm salutes" are so much more effective...

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...