Monday, April 29, 2013
This is a quickie, because when I'm cranky or particularly annoyed by something, I like to complain.
Lately, every time I go shopping, I am reluctantly drawn into an infuriating game of Dominoes...touch one item, and everything else on the shelf behind and around it falls down, like little tin soldiers all in a line.
That is because the geniuses currently designing containers have apparently decided that the "sleek" look is the in thing...never mind that it's the consumer who keeps the company in business.
I currently use a hair gel that is bottled in the ridiculous way represented by the left two illustrations. And even at home, these unbalanced bottles/containers have to be stored against a wall or propped up in some way so they don't fall over since they are so top-heavy and cumbersome.
Hair gel isn't the only victim of this stupidity. Shampoo, dish detergent, body wash ~ you name it, they're all in sleek (and unbalance-able) containers that constantly fall over at the most inconvenient time (while you're trying to actually USE them) often spilling some of the contents, which only increases the annoyance factor.
Hey, I'm a senior citizen living on Social Security ONLY, I can't afford to lose 1/4 of an OUNCE because something I've purchased is ill-designed (but SLEEK!)
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THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed, "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...
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