Sunday, September 30, 2012


... and his most wonderful creation, the international playpen known as Facebook.

Where else can you derive such instant gratification by simply tapping a key and "Whoops, there goes another..." stupid-annoying-unwanted-insulting-and/or otherwise unwelcome person from your life? BLOCK. You're gone!

For those who are unfamiliar with Facebook's many different features, there is a delightful way to no longer communicate with anyone described above. It's called BLOCK, and when it's activated, POOF! Not only can you not read any more of their inane, obnoxious comments, but they cannot 'see' you either, even on a mutual friend's 'wall' or common place, where friends (or friends-of-friends, or everyone, depending on your choice of settings) exchange opinions, comments, etc.

Aside from BLOCK, you get to meet intelligent, witty, well-educated and like-minded individuals who share the same passions and interests, be it music, politics, a wacky sense of humor or one's view on life. People you may have never had the chance to meet prior to the technological marvel of Facebook.

On the dark side, you also get to discover who in your personal circle of family/friends has really been a lifelong secret KKK admirer, a raging homophobe, just plain stupid, and perhaps worst of all, in possession of a Republican mindset. Wow, all these years and I never knew how ignorant you really are! BLOCK. Yup, it applies to old friends and family too.

What a marvelous thing it would be, Mark Zuckerberg, if you could develop something like that for real-time real life. "Oh crap, I have to go out today..." No problem! BLOCK. Now no one can see me, nor I them!

In the meantime, please accept my little valentine along with my enormous gratitude for providing us with the option of finally being able to get rid of the malcontents of the world in such a neat and tidy fashion.

And can you please get to work on that real-life app ASAP so I can venture outside again without being annoyed by, well, everyone??

Thanks. I have to go now. BLOCK!


This is a short story about a disreputable, despicable company by the name of NORTON LIFELOCK. They deducted over $250.00  from my account W...