Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Archaeological Discovery 2512...?

I don't know about you, but ever since the hallowed V-pill came on the market, the sexual product commercials of America's legal drug dealers are becoming increasingly stupid and (I'm sure) unintentionally hilarious.

I mean, come ON! Who the hell goes outside to sit in a bathtub and gaze at the sunset after their special moment? I have this vision of something terrible happening...maybe she gets out of the tub and breaks a hip, maybe he has an 'afterglow' heart attack, or maybe a natural disaster leaves them exactly where they are, to be discovered centuries later by delighted archaeologists who can't stop convulsing with laughter at this vision of ridiculousness...

Add to the above the never-ending commercials about erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, penile implants and every other formerly private matter, and I've turned into Archie Bunker:

"AH GEEZ.....can't you tawk about this in your bedroom?"

And now there is a splendid new product of which ONE DROP will transform her "special moment" into psychedelic sex (WOWWWW.....) and that reminds me of a song by the Rolling Stones. Here is the link, listen to the lyrics and figure it out for yourself!

When it comes to the possibility of "four-hour erections," I'll have to agree with Archie. I don't need those visions in my head, thanks anyway!

THE AMERICAN CLASS STRUGGLE HAS A FACE * *Or, as one YouTube comedian observed,   "We finally have someone who can replace all those Ch...